Operations at https://api.playkey.net/rest/PlaykeyAPI.svc

This page describes the service operations at this endpoint.

gameshipments/infoPOSTAdditional game shipments any info
gameshipments/info/authPOSTAdditional game shipments any info for user region
user/yandexmetrics/addPOSTAdd yandex metrics client id for current user
user/platform/bindPOSTBinding an external gaming platform
games/categoriesPOSTList of game categories for the region
user/games/favouritePOSTAdd or remove games from favourite list
user/pass/changePOSTChanging a password
*OPTIONSEmpty OPTIONS response
user/games/keysPOSTGetting a list of keys for games
gameplatforms/infoPOSTGame platforms info
gameshipments/allPOSTList of any game shipments
gameshipments/all/authPOSTList of any game shipments for user region
gameshipments/all/catalog-categoryPOSTList of any game shipments of main catalog category
gameshipments/all/catalog-category/authPOSTList of any game shipments of main catalog category for user region
gameshipments/all/lightGETList of any game shipments(only title and thumbnail)
gameshipments/categoriesandgenresPOSTList of genres and categories of any game shipments
gameshipments/categoriesandgenres/authPOSTList of genres and categories of any game shipments for user region
banners/allPOSTGet banners with anonymous access
currencies/allPOSTGet user avaliable currency list
currencies/all/authPOSTGet user avaliable currency list
currencies/rateGETCurrency rate
user/postpurchase/debtinfoPOSTGet debt info for post purchase game sessions
user/infoPOSTUser Information
missions/infoPOSTGet information about rules and rewards of all active missions
ps/allPOSTList of available payment systems
ps/all/authPOSTList of payment systems available for user
user/missions/progressPOSTGet information about progress of all active user missions
user/push/notificationPOSTReceive notification for the user
user/pushtokenPOSTCreate a push token of the user, if there is not any. And return it
infoipGETInformation on a user’s IP
user/games/leftfreePOSTList of free time left for each game
user/psPOSTList of user linked payment systems
products/allPOSTList of products
products/all/authPOSTList of products for user region
user/push/app/runPOSTNotification of application startup
user/pass/recallPOSTPassword recovery
user/referral/transitionPOSTTransition of an authorized user from the website of the partner
user/referral/setPOSTBinding a referral to the user
referral/transitionPOSTTransition of a new referral from the website of the partner
user/salesPOSTPurchase history
user/pass/setPOSTSetting a password
games/play/geturlPOSTLaunching a game by short token
gameshipments/similarPOSTList of similar game shipments
gameshipments/similar/authPOSTList of similar game shipments for user region
summaryPOSTGeneral information
user/subscriptionsPOSTUser subscriptions