Get user mailing settings



The following is an description request Json body:

lang - Display language
api_version - API version (default equal 1)
ga_clientId - Google Analytics ID
token - Authentication token

The following is an example request Json body:

    "lang": "lang",
    "api_version": 1674515317,
    "ga_clientId": "gaclientid",
    "token": "token"

Description of how to response:

error - Error information
    code - Error code. Error 0 - no error
    message - Error message. Empty if none
mail_settings - Mail settings list
    Empty - 
        is_active - Mailing setting is active
        mail_type_translate - Mail setting translated type code
        mail_type - Mail setting type code

The following is an example response Json body:

    "error": {
        "code": 0,
        "message": "string"
    "mail_settings": [
            "IsActive": true,
            "MailTypeCode": "string",
            "MailTypeTranslate": "string"
            "IsActive": true,
            "MailTypeCode": "string",
            "MailTypeTranslate": "string"

The following is an example response Xml body:

<result xmlns:i="">
  <mail_settings xmlns:a="">